Welcome to our Web Site.
Meetings for our programme of talks are held at Marshfield Church Hall.
Please see the Programme page for details of meetings during 2024/25
Our meetings are held at Marshfield Church Hall, Bell Square, Tormarton Road, Marshfield SN14 8NN. (See Google map for location.). Visitors and new members are welcome (see Programme page for details). However, due to reduced Hall seating capacity we ask all visitors to book in advance for our talks. Please use the Contact Page (click here Contact us) and state which talk you are interested in. The fee for visitors is £3 per talk, payable on the evening.
One new publication is the Marshfield Businesses & Aspects of Local History the details of which are shown on the Library page.
Our Local History Society encompasses not only Marshfield but also the surrounding villages in South Gloucestershire & Wiltshire. The Society was founded in March, 1983, with the aim of forming an association for people interested in local history and the preservation of historic records and the promotion of research, publications and talks on historic subjects.
TALKS: We take a broadly regional approach in terms of our talks, which are held on the third Tuesday of the month, from September to June, at the usual time of 7.30p.m. Our Annual General Meeting takes place in June at 7.00p.m. and is followed by a talk. Our speakers come from a wide background within the region and many have published books upon their chosen subject. We believe that we offer a varied programme of talks, based upon subject, period and geographical area.
VISITS: In addition to these talks, we also arrange visits to places of historic interest. Usually, these are two self drive half day visits in the spring and autumn, plus an all day coach outing in the summer, to places further afield.
RESEARCH: please see our Projects Page for details of our Social History Project.
Contact: Please see Contact Page to email the secretary.
LOCATION: Our meetings are held at Marshfield Church Hall (shown on map below) Bell Square, off Tormarton Road, Marshfield SN14 8NN.
Photographs on this site are by Arthur Lees. Thanks for letting us use them.